ORT Braude (OBC)

(Last edited: Wednesday, 29 October 2014, 9:37 PM)


ORT Braude College (OBC) was established in 1988 in the small Galilean city of Karmiel in the northern periphery of Israel with the goal of developing an academic center to teach engineering while working in cooperation with industry. The chosen geographic location is in direct response to national and regional needs: OBC is an academic center for the region; increases accessibility to higher education in the north of the country for students from a wide range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds; and contributes to the enrichment of the educational system of the Galilee. OBC considers English to be a vital tool for engineers in the 21st century; its English department has been involved for many years in initiatives aimed at improving the standard of English teaching. The College strives for excellence in teaching and research in the fields of engineering and science. We achieve this by empowering the individual, regardless of background, and by establishing  ties with industry.

(The role of the organisation in the project. )

With experience gained from TEMPUS-EFA, OBC will be responsible for coordinating activities among Israeli and European partners and will manage the project financially. With EU and Israeli partners OBC will develop a national framework for English Medium Instruction (EMI) in Israel, and will  contribute to the development of a national framework for the teaching of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Israel, new EFL learning packages (LPs), EFL  materials and activities, and language support services. OBC will participate in teacher training and will pilot new EFL LPs and the EMI course. OBC will also contribute to: the dissemination and sustainability of the project together with SCE and other project partners; monitoring of the quality of the project together with UNic, WUELS, UNIVAQ and IDC. OBC will also organize consortium meetings and other meetings related to the project and its participants.

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